Fixed Mount Antenna Settings

Antenna Configuration

RFIDLinked supports multiple antennas attached to a fixed mount device.  The power level and names associated with each antenna can be configured by going to "Settings" and then "Device Settings" and selecting the "Antennas" tab.

Updating Display Template to display Antenna details

By default RFIDLinked does not display information about which antenna captured a tag.  You can enable this option by modifying your Display Template.

Go to "Settings" and then "Display Settings"
If you do not already have a custom Display Template, Click the Gear icon next to "Default template" and then "Copy."  Enter a name for your new Display Template.

Click the Gear icon next to your new Display Template and then "Edit."

Showing Antenna on Scanned Tag List

Click the "Tag Scan" or "Tag Match" tabs. Then click the Pencil icon next to the location where you want to show the antenna information.

Then select "Antenna" from the "Field To Display" drop down, and click "Done."

Showing Antenna under Tag Details

To show information about which antenna captured a tag under the "Tag Details" screen, first click on the "Tag Details" tab,  and then ensure the option to display Antenna information is enabled.

Save and Apply Display Template

The last step is to click the "Save" button to confirm your choices. 

Then apply the Display Template to be used by clicking the Gear icon next it it, and clicking "Apply Template."
